Lost Woman with Map and Cellphone

Are you a Christian woman in marketing wondering...

Where are my people?

Yes? Keep reading...

The Problem

I can’t find a community of marketers who share the Christian ​faith and enjoy their small team of 1 or 2.

There are communities of marketing pros—but God is typically ​censored out or referred to as “the universe.”

There are communities of Christian business owners—but they ​are either hobbyists or scaling to the enterprise level.

Can us Christian solopreneurs get some love?

Where are my people?

Sad child looking out the window.

This feeling of isolation is real.

Two are better than one, because together they can work ​more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can ​help him up. But if someone is alone and falls, it’s just too ​bad, because there is no one to help him.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

The Solution

I can’t find the group I want to be part of so I’m creating it!



The mastermind for women in marketing ​who are grounded in faith.

Coming February 2024

This curated mastermind is created for women in the ​marketing industry from one of two camps:

You’ve reached 6 figures in ​revenue, want to keep ​growing, yet aren’t sold on ​building an agency.

Opposite arrows icon

You’re a marketing ​department-of-one in a ​corporate setting.

Girl Friends Hanging Outdoors

show me your friends & ​I’ll show you your future

Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

1 Corinthians 15:33

True transformative conversations happen

over coffee and cocktails

We don’t meet. We gather.

No one wants another meeting on their calendar!

This is the when and how we build deeper connections ​so we can grow together.

Coffee Icon



These virtual gatherings will have an ​agenda that focuses on personal and ​professional development.

3rd Thursdays

11a-12:30p CT

Martini Glass Icon



These informal virtual gatherings are come ​and go as it fits your schedule.

*Adult beverage optional.

2nd Tuesdays

5-6:30p CT

Beach Icon

in person


Solidify the bond we’ve created online with an IN REAL LIFE retreat at a beautiful destination.

Transportation from airport, semi-lux lodging, food, and drinks at the house are covered in your dues! Your only other expense is travel.

May 1-4, 2024

Fly into Phoenix, AZ*

November 6-9, 2024

Fly into Jacksonville, FL*

*Dates and locations subject to change.

The first 3 founding members will have a vote on 2024 retreat dates and locations.


As you know... you get out of it what you put into it.


Monthly dues are based on the number of retreats ​you want to attend.

Map Pin




(that’s $5400 annually)

$5000 if paid in full

for 12​ full​ months

Map Pin
Map Pin

both ​RETREATs


(that’s $6900 annually)

$6000 if paid in full

f​or 12 full months

Group of women friends holding hands together against sunset

We grow better together.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up...

1 Thessalonians 5:11


To apply for the 2024 My PPL Mastermind, ​schedule a Zoom with Megan Giles.


  • Community. (It’s hard to make friends as an ​adult. We will literally do life together.)
  • A curated group of ladies who get you. (We’re ​keeping it small with a max of 12.)
  • Accountability.
  • Brainstorming ideas.
  • Workshopping struggles.
  • Sharing of best practices and strategies.
  • Introductions to referral partners or warm ​leads.

You don't have to reinvent the wheel or make ​mistakes others in the group already have!​


The Meals

Megan grocery shops for the retreat and has a meal plan in place. You’ll have the opportunity to request your fave food and drinks beforehand. We say grace before every meal.

The Room

Megan likes nice places. Think beach houses built for family reunions. Everyone will get their own bedroom and we always aim to have private bathrooms. As an avid traveler who appreciates a good bed, Megan aims to find clean and comfortable lodging.

The Atmosphere

Think a family reunion where laptops are encouraged.

The Agenda

Everyone brings their brilliant minds to brainstorm big ideas and we’ll naturally breakout into smaller groups to get into the details of what you’re building on.

Happy Hour

starts at 4:30 to celebrate the progress we made during the day. And bonus... because we’re all pretty much obsessed with business talk, this is when ideas grow bigger.

Dance Party

There will probably be dancing.


As with all things in life, you get out of it what ​you put into it. With plenty of opportunities for ​connecting, join what you can.

WHAT’S expected?

  • Give. You bring your expertise and share it with ​the group.
  • Get. You learn to receive! Get the help and ​support you need to...
  • Grow. You are growth minded so we all rise ​together.

Is​ this a bible study?

No. The purpose of everyone having a Christian ​foundation is to create a space where we know we ​can trust the advice being given. The world tells us ​to manifest desires and look inward, b​ut we want our focus on Jesus. Plus conversat​ions are more open when you are not having to ​censor y​o​urself so as to not offend anyone.

WHAT’S THE cancellation POLICY?

If it’s not working for me, can I cancel?

If you attend at least 50% of the meeting ​opportunities within 3 months and have not ​received a referral, you can cancel with 1 ​month’s notice.

What if life happens?

If hard things are happening, you’re going to ​need your people for support. We are here to ​help you through that! If you really feel like y​ou can’t continue, let’s have a conversation to fi​nd the right path forward​.​

what if i want to attend the second ​retreat?

If you register for one retreat and later decide ​to attend a second, you will pay $2000 prior​ to the second retre​at.

Megan’s Guarantee to My PPL

  • You’re going to make lifelong connections.
  • You’re going to grow personally and professionally.
  • You’re going to get business referrals.

My business is built on relationships (just look at my very ​inactive LinkedIn and the stack of unread biz books in my ​office). I know how powerful relationships are. And I want ​to share that with My PPL!

and that’s not all!

You will also have access to The Good Humans Growth Network™, ​a family of communities of extraordinary people who create ​healthy businesses.